Monday, September 3, 2007


Ready, set, go...

Our Girl Scout year began informally at Miriam's sixth b-day. A visit from the ice cream truck ('Lil Tex), cupcakes and bubbles seemed like a good start to the year.

We will gather again for the GS Rally on the 8th and for our Parents' meeting on the 10th.

Our theme for the year is "Girl Scouts Make the World a Better Place". We are going to achieve this by making our whole troop "greener". This will be a great way to incorporate service into all our activities, help our community and our planet.

Meeting Calendar for September

10th Parents' Meeting

17th Make Troop T-shirts

24th Investiture & Rededication Ceremony

1 comment:

Erin said...

I can't wait! This is going to be a great year for our girls!!!